Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Pilgrimage to the Goodrich Castle

It was supposed to be a half day trip. It was only supposed to take an hour. Which is why my friend Dani was so suprised when I showed up nearly 12 hours later at her house. You see, if I have learned anything during my travels, it is that it never ONLY takes an hour with me. Today, it was just bad timing. Missing a connection by minutes meant an hour or two additional waiting.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Today, I went home...sort of. I visited my ancestors castle (or atleast what I'm pretending to be my ancestors castle). It shares my grandparents last name, and as a result, belongs to me.

I left early this morning...okay 10:40am. Took a train to Gloucester (the original, not in Mass). Waiting for an hour, then took a bus. WAiting two hours this time. Then got on a second bus. I only got to spend an hour at the Castle itself, because I didn't actually get there until 4pm...and it closed at 5pm. So yes, it took me five hours to get to this castle...four hours too many. And then there was the whole ride back. So yeah.

But the castle itself was cool.

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